Tree Work

We can provide tree care for mature trees or newly planted trees, and everything in between; every aspect of your trees’ care should be professionally managed. Our Certified Arborist is trained to diagnose potential problems and suggest cost-effective solutions to preserve the health and beauty of your trees.
We can perform work on a per project basis, or put together a proactive program of regular inspection, preventive maintenance, scheduled and timely fertilization. This will provide you with a personalized tree care plan that will help explain the steps our arborists will take to make your trees healthier and safer.
Trees are important to all of us; they help provide us with cooling (shade), water, and most importantly oxygen. Through photosynthesis trees expire (breath out let’s say) oxygen the very element that we need to live. According to the Arbor Day Foundation, “a mature leafy tree produces as much oxygen in a season as 10 people inhale in a year.” The amount of oxygen depends on the species of tree, its age, its health, and also on the tree’s surroundings.
Simply put trees are just plain beautiful to look at and provide a great place to sit, and by the way they increase the value of your property.
Our #1 tree care goal is to keep your trees vibrant and your property safe.
For a free quote call 863-899-3598 or contact us
Cities that are served in Florida (FL)